Foto Eva Belke

Prof. Dr. Eva Belke


Office: GB 1/162

Tel.: +49 234 32-25116 and +49 234 32-28460 (Sekretariat, 8 bis 15 Uhr)

Fax: +49 234 32-14137

Contact hours: by individual appointment via email.

Current Research Interests

  • Psycholinguistic perspectives on language learning and teaching
  • Lexical-semantic representations and processes
  • Cognitive resources of language processing
  • Aphasiology and clinical linguistics
  • Co-ordination of visual and linguistic encoding processes

Current Research Projects

  • Litkey
    [Note: the Litkey project ended officially in 12/22, after a funding period of 7 years overall. It had been extended multiple times on account of eight parental leaves in total in three of the four subprojects. We were able to collect all data as planned; data analysis and publication are still ongoing, however.]

Recent Publications

  • Belke, E. (in press). Vermittlung morphosyntaktischer und orthographischer Kompetenzen von Anfang an. In: McElvany, Nele und andere (Hrsg.). IFS Bildungsdialoge 7: Förderung sprachlicher Kompetenzen als Grundlage für mehr Bildungsgerechtigkeit. Waxmann.
  • Wieler, J., Nenchev, I., & Belke, E. (2024). How does administering the semantic fluency task repeatedly within a short time frame affect participants response generation performance? AMLaP 2024, Edinburgh.
  • von Lehmden, F, Müller-Brauers, C. & Belke, E. (2024). Grammatikförderung mit den Litkey-Bilderbüchern: Das Handbuch für Kita und Grundschule [Forstering Grammar by Means of the Litkey Picture Books: A Handbook for Kindergarten and Primary School Staff] (2nd ed.). Schneider Hohengehren.
    [for more details on the picture books, see here]
  • Belke, E., Kuba, S., & Braun P. M. (2022). Optimizing the presentation of the input facilitates the acquisition of gender-like subclasses in preschool children. AMLaP 2022, York.
  • Kuba, S., Braun, P. M., & Belke, E. (2022). Help or hindrance? Effects of additional mor-phosyntactic cues on the acquisition of gender-like subclasses in an artificial language by 4- to 6-year-olds. Bulletin Suisse de Linguistique Appliquée, 115, 117-142.
  • von Lehmden, F, Müller-Brauers, C. & Belke, E. (2022). Grammatikförderung mit den Litkey-Bilderbüchern: Das Handbuch für Kita und Grundschule (unter Mitarbeit von Alexandra Blank, Bernd Lehmann, Stefan Linck, Lisa Porps). Schneider Hohengehren.
  • Bose, A., Patra, A., Antoniou, G. E., Stickland, R., & Belke, E. (2022). Verbal fluency difficulties in aphasia: A combination of lexical and executive control deficits. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 57(3), 593-614. doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12710
  • Belke, E., von Lehmden, F., & Müller-Brauers, C. (2020). Specially designed children´s books and songs for training the acquisition of German gender and case. Extended abstract and poster presentation held at AMLaP 2020, Potsdam. [PDF]