Call for Papers

We welcome original, unpublished contributions on research, development, applications and evaluation, covering all areas of natural language processing, ranging from basic questions to practical implementations of natural language resources, components and systems.

The special theme of the 13th KONVENS is:

Processing non-standard data — commonalities and differences

A wide range of data can be considered “non-standard” because it deviates in one way or the other from standard written data such as newspaper texts. Examples include:

  • data produced by language learners
  • historical data
  • data from social media
  • (transcriptions of) spoken data

We especially encourage the submission of contributions comparing different types of non-standard data and their properties, focussing on their impact for natural language processing. For example, a feature common to many types of non-standard data is the use of non-standard spelling. However, spelling variation in learner data as compared to historical data is due to very different reasons and, most likely, resulting in very different types of non-standard spellings.

Topics that we would like to see addressed include:

  • Common properties of (many) non-standard data, e.g. non-standard spelling, data sparseness, features of orality
  • Impact of the commonalities and differences of non-standard data on the methods and tools that are applied to the data, e.g. normalization vs. tool adaptation, evaluation without gold standard, etc.

Important Dates

June 7, 2016 (extended) Paper submissions due
July 18, 2016 Notification of acceptance
August 15, 2016 Camera-ready copy due
September 19–21, 2016 Conference

All submission due dates are 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.


We welcome two types of contributions:

  • Full papers for oral presentation (8 pages plus references)
  • Short papers for presentation as posters (4 pages plus references)

Short papers/posters can be combined with a system demonstration. Reviews will be anonymous.

The conference languages are English and German. We encourage the submission of contributions in English.

Formatting guidelines

Templates, including examples files and detailed formatting instructions, are available for both LaTeX and Microsoft Word. Regardless of the system you use, submissions should always be made in PDF format. For the anonymous submission, please double-check that no personal information is retained in the PDF’s properties or metadata (especially if you are creating it using Microsoft Word!).


Submissions must conform to the formatting guidelines given above, and must be made electronically through EasyChair:

Submission agreement: The proceedings of KONVENS 2016 will be published as part of the online series “Bochumer Linguistische Arbeitsberichte” (BLA). BLA issues are also archived and made publicly available by Johann Christian Senckenberg University Library at University Frankfurt. University Frankfurt guarantees the long-term archiving and availability of the BLA series. Note that if you want your article to be included in the Conference Proceedings, you have to accept these conditions.

We believe this way of publishing to be beneficial for all participants and hope that you agree with us. If you have any objections to these terms, please contact the conference organizers.