
  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante, Stefanie Dipper, and Eva Belke (2019). The making of the Litkey Corpus, a richly annotated longitudinal corpus of German texts written by primary school children. In Proceedings of the 13th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAWXIII). Florence, Italy. PDF

  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante, Katrin Ortmann, Anna Ehlert, Maurice Vogel, and Stefanie Dipper (2017). Annotating orthographic target hypotheses in a German L1 learner corpus. In Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA) (pp. 444–456). Copenhagen, Denmark. PDF

  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante (2017). Towards a tool for automatic spelling error analysis and feedback generation for freely written German texts produced by primary school children. In Proceedings of the Seventh ISCA workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE) (pp. 36–41). Stockholm, Sweden. PDF

  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante, Katrin Ortmann, Anna Ehlert, Carina Betken, Stefanie Dipper, and Lukas Knichel (2017). Guidelines for the Manual Transcription and Orthographic Normalization of Handwritten German Texts Produced by Primary School Children. Bochumer Linguistische Arbeitsberichte (BLA), Vol. 20. PDF

  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante (2016). Automating multi-level annotations of orthographic properties of German words and children’s spelling errors. In Proceedings of the 2nd Language Teaching, Learning and Technology Workshop (LTLT) (pp. 14-22). San Francisco, USA. PDF

  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante, Lukas Knichel, Stefanie Dipper, and Carina Betken (2016). Annotating spelling errors in German texts produced by primary school children. In Proceedings of the ACL Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW X) (pp. 32-42). Berlin, Germany. PDF Poster

  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante (2015): Automatic Analysis of Orthographic Properties of German Words. Master thesis, Ruhr-University Bochum PDF.

Talks and Posters

  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante, Stefanie Dipper, and Eva Belke. What makes a word difficult to spell and for whom? A corpus-based study. Talk on the 3rd Writing Word(s) Workshop in Marseille/France (27.-29.06.2019).

  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante, Stefanie Dipper and Eva Belke. Zum Einfluss statistischer Worteigenschaften auf die Wortschreibung: Eine korpusbasierte Untersuchung zum Orthographieerwerb in der Grundschule. Poster on the 22nd Symposium Deutschdidaktik in Hamburg (16.-20.09.2018). [Poster]

  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante and Stefanie Dipper. Detaillierte Rechtschreibdiagnostik effizient gestalten: Möglichkeiten der automatischen Rechtschreibfehleranalyse. Poster and Demo on the 22nd Symposium Deutschdidaktik in Hamburg (16.-20.09.2018). [Poster]

  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante, Stefanie Dipper, Anna Ehlert, Simon Masloch, Katrin Ortmann, Doreen Scholz and Maurice Vogel. Ein Tool zur nutzerfreundlichen Anwendung automatischer Rechtschreibfehleranalyse in frei geschriebenen Kindertexten. Poster and Demo on the 40th Annual Meeting of the German Lingistic Society (DGfS Jahrestagung) in Stuttgart (7.-9.03.2018). [Abstract] [Poster]

  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante. A Prototype of an Interactive Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Spelling Errors in Freely Written Children’s Texts. Talk and Demo on the 6th meeting of the DFG INDUS network in Tübingen (28.2./1.3.2018).

  • Stefanie Dipper, Anna Ehlert, Ronja Laarmann-Quante, Katrin Ortmann and Maurice Vogel. Annotating a German L1 Learner Corpus for Research on Orthography Acquisition. Talk on the 4th Learner Corpus Research Coference in Bolzano/Italy (5.-7.10.2017). [Abstract]

  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante, Stefanie Dipper, Jessica Ernst, Sonia Kandel and Eva Belke. Effects of Surface Properties of Written Language on Spelling Performance. Talk on the 2nd Writing Word(s) Workshop in Bristol/UK (6./7.07.2017).

  • Ronja Laarmann-Quante and Stefanie Dipper. Automatisierte Analyse von Rechtschreib- und Grammatikleistungen von Grundschulkindern - Eine Projektvorstellung. Talk on the 4th meeting of the DFG INDUS network in Würzburg (26./27.09.2016).